Ha Ha Ha...
Written @ 3:40 PM
Holidays... While i don't think i will do all that well for the exams... I think i can pass well ienough not to take the supps... Handed in my paper once i was done checking that i did all the questions and went to work... Hehe...
Went back to Ngee Ann this morning, and met most of my classmates. Lionel, guohao, guowei, kokwei, shengyang, shafinah, miko, melanie, pearlin, daniel sim, song gg, gareth... ruobing and tiffany didn't come though... :( ms tiong was looking fine... so were the rest of the teachers... Haha.. Then went to KFC at the interchange to eat... Ok... so till here for the time being... cuz i need to go to work...
Counting down...to my death...
Written @ 6:07 PM
EssGra was a killer. The notes didn't help none. What the hell is the short cut key for a full screen capture on a Macintosh? Who really cares? What is a frameset? I can hardly even figure out the Macs in the lab so how do you expect me to explain the darn function? I was only confident of the true/false questions and the HTML long form. HyperText Markup Language. Get that in your 'kuku' brains... I am a computer idiot. The tutor will probably be dead before I get the hang of Photoshop or Dreamweaver. The simple stuff I can do, no problem. Tell me to change the colour of your hair, or edit the pimples and eyebags off your face, that's fine too... But don't tell me to explain the process, or give you a full website in two hours. Stupid OS, hung on me at the most critical time...
On to medsoc... I hope it will be alright. I just pray for a pass.
Am looking forward to the holidays... i will be free right after medsoc tomorrow and am planning to work full time... hehe... for the holidays... I want to buy a new mp3/4 and a new handphone... Will have to work extra hard... Will ask Ah Be if i can work closing... After all i need to learn filtering and i want to learn all the closing stuff... I actually don't mind doing stock take... except in the blasted freezer... I will freak... And i am working on month-end, meaning that I will probably have to do a bit of stock take also, depending on the situation...
Ode to that particular memory...
Logic told me
That we would never be
But my heart
Simply refused to believe
I know... I am separate from your life now... I am no longer in your heart... It is all right... But... somehow you have become intertwined with my life... The things i do... The things i say... my thoughts... are filled with you... I miss you... alot...
Exams... One down two more to go...
Written @ 7:55 PM
Ended up staying home to mug today... Luckily i looked through the previous examination paper or else i would have been DEAD... but i'm still not sure of the way to answer but i should be able to pass... i think... Uncertainties abound... Still got Essential Graphics Software(essgra for short) and Media and Society(medsoc for short)... Why are the subject names so long... Geez... Communications and Media Marketing(marketing for short, duh!) was just crappy... First question was on breakfast cereals, i don't know if i was answering the question properly or not... Second was on market/product expansion grid thingy and of all brands... OSIM... i was going on and on about massage chairs... Third question was on market segmentation for a restaurant... Gosh... i only talked about the demographics... i forgot about the rest of segmentation...Ewww...So many people finished their exams at the same time today and the bus stop was crowded... so i did something totally not me... I walked home... Teehee... it was pretty far... but the weather was good for walking... not too hot... and on two inch heels... no less... so proud of myself... My feet were mercifully blister-free... but boy, did i stink! Off to the bathroom...
Ain't this cute... sweet...soothing exam frazzled nerves...Ode to that particular memory...the desire to catchjust one more glimpseof youmakes my heartbeat a faster rhythmI can't help myself... I turn to look if you would appear and surprise me...but i know that it will never happen... i know it's over... but i can't help it... you appear and disappear just as suddenly... i can't help but feel strange pangs in my heart... You didn't use to mean so much till i lost you... I tried to get you back... but there were just too many barriers... one of them my pride... I just can't bring myself to admit that...
Feeling lost...
Written @ 8:32 PM
I need to sort myself out... I'm so addicted to work that i'm sort of sacrificing my academic career... however my coursework has been pretty alright so far... Exam is like tomorrow... but... nothing has been done yet... been working the past two days and today... proud of myself for finishing transition by 12.30 today... feeling mentally depleted... will go and do some last minute mugging at the airport tomorrow... I love it there... it's so peaceful and quiet... Got to find out how to differentiate the different strategies for the marketing stuff... all these theories make the project look easy... Proud of my group for that...
Resolution for the holidays: TO PRACTICE MY LATTE!!!
I can't stand looking at my latte... need to practise more control over the milk... i think... shall find time to do it... It's not like i'm so enthusiastic about work... but i think it is a responsibility to do your best... especially as a crew leader... to hell with the rank... but people just expect it of you... CRAP!!!
ode to a particular memory...
it was sweet
while it was real
the sweetness lost when
it drifted from reality
I missed you... I wish you'd come back... I'm learning to deal with the loss of you... yet just a flashback of you pulls me back... i find myself giggling at the experiences, the sights, the sounds... i am the same, yet different... i believe that i will be able to be free one day... you will always be part of me... Come back, will you?
Crampy ampy grumpy...
Written @ 6:40 PM
Cramps today... unbearable... keep breaking out in cold sweat even in air con'd room...
Went to see zainal at work today... attachment to tampines interchange...
aziana called me and asked me if i could work, said i could but stupid cramps overcame me... argh... met with adilah, nizam and taufik at the interchange mcdonalds and disturbed zainal abit... hehe... but i was tearing cuz of the cramps already... they make me feel like i've got diarrhoea... geez...
So sorry to aziana...
Written @ 11:47 PM
forgot to post these photos that i got from azman... all taken at the airport

the gang (sans adilah cuz she was the photographer)... (from left: azman, kamalia, ratin, rizal, nizam, taufik, winston, imran, ME!)

after sending the indo crew... (inside the transit lounge) we sent them right to the gate... D49... damn far...

me and adilah... the guys just walked on... geez...

chillin' at the viewing mall...

Hey... don't block me! haha...
Since monday...
Written @ 12:39 PM
quite abit has happened since monday...
crawled out of bed to go to the airport to send arie and eva home... rizal, nizam, ratin, taufik, adilah, imran, azman, winston and kamalia were all there... Kamalia bawled when eva had to say goodbye, eva's really affectionate, i like her and will miss her alot... really, but i'm not one to cry easily and most of my friends know that... I believe the show must go on... we all went up to our store and arie and eva said their byes to the aunties and michelle... then we sent them off... hung out at the viewing mall till it was time to change for work... in and out counter and kitchen... had to go home alone because the malaysian crew were late...

went to get my contact lens (those that make your eyes look bigger and brown coloured ones) at century square and then went to the airport to chill and study... only nizam noticed me at the viewing mall... haha... i don't know if anyone else did... decided it was time to go home but met tiffany and song gg (long time no see) at tampines mart...chatted till 6... i miss my secondary school friends... song gg is still as crappy and tiffany still as blur...
tried on the contacts when i reached home and boy was it hard getting it in the first time... but i'm alright now... Woohooo...

Nothing much...
Written @ 2:37 AM
I am suffering from serious body aches as i type this... worked mainly at cafe today, sales was pretty good...$1035... mostly from the hard work of jeffrey... but up and down we went from cafe to main store... couldn't do pre-close... urgh... the two of us were were just friggin' tired... did lots of washing... just look at the state of my hands, the skin is peeling and the cuticles are totally gone... they don't look like a girl's hands at all... Can't stand losing a lot of speed at cafe, i now i got to practice on wednesday, but it takes a bit of time to get the hang back as certain practices might have changed and customer flow... one of the sinks can't be used and it's really inconvenient...Oh, yushan was back today too... I'm going to send arie and eva back tomorrow (or later, looking at the time)...then maybe squeeze in studying or doing my cldp before i punch in... seeing as belinda will be around... i think i saw my name on the schedule for sunday the 27th, but it's for opening and transition, so i think it should be alright... Geez, exams exams...This is how i'm feeling...
Orange shmorange colour...
*Sigh* Just another random day...
Written @ 9:51 PM
I figure i shall write in a different colour today... Hmmm...
Purple...I was late for work today... Gosh do i hate that... I mean, that's why i usually don't dare to sleep when I'm doing midshift Friday and opening Saturday...fatigue got the better of me last night... Transition today... Forgot to do some things... overall it was ok except going into the chiller... imagine -18 to -23 degrees celsius... had very good and helpful crew today... Went home with nizam and peiwen... was supposed to watch a movie but plans got cancelled to i went to get presents for arie and eva... got more notebooks and pens and HER WORLD magazine cuz jolin was in it... urgh... got to work tomorrow but its at cafe so it's fine i guess... will continue a little later.. the father wants to use the computer...
Reasonable grades...plus random hallucinations...part tres...
Written @ 2:16 AM
Given that i've been slacking all this while at school, the grades i got for marketing, essgra and medsoc has been fair... C+ for medsoc, considering that i bsed throught the individual essay and missed two quizzes, B for essgra, considering that i messed up that stupid dreamweaver thing and A for marketing, which is the only subject that i put any real effort into cuz i love it... mr toh is a great tutor...Kudos to him!!! Happy Teachers' Day in advance!
Loneliness: One doesn't actually really feel lonely when he or she is alone, because that is the whole point of the word
alone. It is when one is within a group of people and not being noticed that you exist does loneliness really show itself.
I never had a serious relationship before. I wonder how is it like to have someone hold your hand for the first time, as in romantically? Cuz i have held hands with guys... like duh... in primary school when the class moves from one place to another and in secondary school for performances (even had him kneeling like he was going to propose, it was so awkward) But seriously, i am a sucker for romance... i would totally melt if something... no, anything romantic happens...
I calculated how old i'd be if i continued to university and like got a stable job before i get married...about 25 or 26... which in my opinion is too old to get married... It is cheesy, but i welcome the idea of marriage and a family... isn't it nice to be settled down... *SIGH* *DREAMING* the parents say that i shouldn't be thinking of geting married till 26, but no, mt ideal age is 23... occasionally when the parents get pissed with me, they tell me to go get married and live elsewhere, which i totally don't mind, just that there's no one willing to take me yet...*SIGH & POUTS*
How do you tell if someone is interested in you? What exactly is flirting? Cuz i tell you, if i'm interested in a guy, i will so totally be sarcastic/aloof/'violent'/'kou shi xin fei'/flirt with other guys/imagine romantic stuff especially when i'm listening to music... Like i will not tell that person that i missed him or i cared... I will smile at my thoughts while listening to songs and imagine that the story in the music video was my life (some come really close)...
more random hallucinations in chapter 4... when the muses knock on my quickly perishing brain cells...
nice day...
Written @ 2:19 AM
Highlight of the day: Skipped medsoc tutorial *GASP* Heard it was boring...
Went to store and hung around with taufik, adilah and eva... walked to T2 and back with jian wai cuz i had to wait till 6 to punch in and he thought he had work but he didn't... Got back at 5 and found that azman lost his ic and couldn't come in and i'd be at cafe... I haven't really touched cafe for ages and i lost alot of speed *pouts in disappointment*... I hate that helpless feeling... I have a habit of not calling for help when service is in... I like to challenge myself... and i used to be able to do it ... I actually had jian wai to help me but he didn't even know how to take orders and everything was a mess... nizam was coincidentally on break... jian wai needs confidence... even if you can't find the key on the pos, you can take your time... the worst was that he couldn't even remember the customer and walked right past him sending the order! I had to do a refund lah... but things got better and all was well... did pre-close partially, i didn't wash the sandwich utensils, knives and stuff... that's all...
Went home with nizam...
WU ZUN!! Nerdy hair but still look cute!! (third from left)

Random hallucinations...again...
Written @ 2:39 AM
I know i posted just now... but this is of a totally different agenda...
I decided to walk the little bit of the way home rather than waiting for another bus that will take the time that i use to walk home to even arrive at the bus stop. The weather was alright and i was wearing flats, so all it took was for me to decide to walk, which i did.
Well, thoughts blasted through my mind as i walked that 5 minute stretch of road, passing by my secondary school and saw that choir practice had just ended on account of recognising many of my juniors.
Here is what i thought:
What exactly is understanding? Our teachers/lecturers/elders always tell us to understand things, but what is there to understand? You can know something/one well, but how do you understand something? Is understanding knowing something well? Then what is the difference?
I do want to get married. In fact, an early marriage would be welcome. Somehow, having a family and settling down strangely feels more important to me than having a well-paying job or the freedom of being single. Maybe i need someone i can depend on to look after me. Someone to watch my back. Someone i can be silly and bimbotic and carefree with. Someone that i can lie on his chest and make me feel secure...I've been looking after myself and doing almost everything for myself that i've started looking... This may be far too exaggerated, but i am thinking about it...
What if i am not real? What if the things around me are not real? I don't feel real.
There were more thoughts but... that's for the next random hallucinations...
Two pretty alright days...
Written @ 10:35 PM
Last GDF tutorial... STILL HAD TO DO WORK!!! gosh, wouldn't she just let us off? Anyway, did the critique on photos, and did the cropping tool thingy... which i threw away since it was shoddily cut...
Attended EssGra lecture in an attempt to see what could come out for the exam and skills test... Useless anyway... Don't know nothing about dumb dreamweaver and phony photoshop... I can use them, but not for a test!!!
Went to work and there was a management meeting... Read up on grill... just in case Be decided to ask me... but that didn't happen... PHEW! Krishna was the manager on attachment from t2... I'm not trying to boast that i'm a cl, but since i'm a cl it pretty much means that i can run any station... and krishna asked me what i can do... lol... i wanted to laugh but there was service in... so i went to run vats... in the kitchen was me, nizam and patrick while auntie kui hiong went on break... when she came back i ran pc and boy was it tiring having to listen to patrick nagging about nothing... urgh...
Went home with nizam and auntie kui hiong...
Forward to today...
EssGra skills test was a total failure... I left out so many things... Am definitely going to get huge
F! Marketing lecture lasted only about 45 minutes so we all got out early... wanted to ask someone out but decided that chilling at home would be much better... Mummy called to say that she had a job and would be home late so me and lois had to settle our own dinners... and coincidentally aziana asked me out... had dinner at starbucks... ham and cheese croissant and a chocolate frappucino... absolutely gorgeous! Youtube was down when i got home so i guess tokyo juliet would have to wait till tomorrow... *sigh*
Written @ 12:52 AM
Work has been not so satisfying lately... Am getting real sick of counter... So it was great when lynn let me run kitchen on sat... OTed though... on account of there not being enough crew... Knocked out and slept for 12 hours...
Been watching Tokyo Juliet in the aftermath of It Started With A Kiss... Wu Zun is so cute! But only second to Joe... Heez...
Watched Pirates of the Caribbean(finally!) at Cathay with nizam and winston and it was a real laugh!!! I finally understand the appeal of Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom... Although i'm more into asian stars...
We are planning to watch the Lake House/Click/Lady in the Water next sat... planning to ask arie and eva along cuz i'm working on sun at cafe... I only agreed cuz it was cafe and not main store counter... Heez...
One more week of school to go... then it's on to mugging for exams...Woohoo...
My memory has not been too good lately... keep forgetting stuff...
But... I found that i have also got over some things that used to bug me... they still do... but i am more at ease now... ;D
Here are swoon worthy pics of joe and wu zun...

Written @ 1:31 AM
I just realised i the enormosity (does this word exist? whatever...) of a secret i am keeping... I don't really know who reads my blog on a regular basis but the people whom i know read this blog are the people i am keeping the secret from... Haha... Got you guys itching to know... but i really can't tell... it will expose lots of other secrets too... details and all... It also reminded me of something strange that happened to me (also part of the secret) that somehow just faded away and wasn't real anymore... I wonder why... I'm really clueless how half of the secret has lasted till today but the other just disappeared suddenly...
Anyway... I got hooked onto reading my daily horoscope on
www.seventeen.com which is pretty accurate... compared to those on the magazines and newspapers... I did the love match thingy and it turns out that Gemini is my perfect match... weird though... Here's what it says:
This boy's quick mind and clever tongue will tantalize you, and he'll appreciate your brilliance and feed on your need to know.His Mercury-ruled personality makes him fascinating to talk to, and he'll be equally impressed by your Jupiter-driven world of ideas.
This is, in fact, your perfect match. You were each made to be the person the other has been waiting for. You'll keep him happy because neither of you wants to have a constant companion. Without the ability to occasionally travel solo, you'd lose your precious independence. This doesn't mean you won't be loyal to one another - you'll both relish telling stories over take-out dinners and endless streams of electronic prattle. And when it comes to passion, you're both ready and anxious to give yourselves over to the greater identity of your union.This relationship teaches that there is such a thing as a great relationship - even for people who insist on keeping their individuality.
This is going to be fun(ny)...
Written @ 10:53 AM
I hate egoistical chauvinists!!!
respect is something that you have to earn and is easily diminished if you don't do anthing to maintain that little bit of respect that people have for you... I think it's disgusting if you have to threaten people to give you the respect when you haven't done anything to prove that you deserve it. I definitely don't mind if you are willing to prove that you are worth it, but telling people that you are already treating them nicely and that you want to talk it out peacefully when you are the one blowing up first is definitely an irony... i'm not afraid of a verbal war, i can blow up just as well too... as can anyone else... do not ever try to incur my wrath... So what if it comes to blows... that is assault, mind you... I can sue... IF YOU THINK THAT I'M BLOGGING ABOUT YOU, WELL, THEN YOU'RE JUST FEELING GUILTY CUZ I COULD BE TALKING ABOUT ANYONE!!!
i just love work... yes there is politics and stuff, and it's tiring, but there are no egomaniacs who demand respect and instead command respect... even i as a crew leader admire their abilities and respect them for that... We all (well, most of us anyway) understand what teamwork is and even if we don't click that well, we can still work together...
Written @ 12:26 AM
***which celeb's sleep habits are most like yours? ***
Someone seriously needs to send out an "S.O.S"--about your poor sleep habits! Like the hip-hop singer with hot dance moves, you lead such a busy life that it usually seems like there's no room for sleep. Wrong answer! Even though you want to pack so many activities into your day, it's much harder to complete them all (and be your best) when you only get between four and six hours of sleep. We totally admire your motivation, and it might feel like your body is used to sleep deprivation, but you should try to change your ways. If you really want to bust your best dance move, or score high on your SATs, getting at least eight hours of sleep each night is 100 percent necessary.
which celeb's sleep habits are most like yours?
terrible week...
Written @ 5:37 PM
All the projects that we handed in sucked... and that's that...
I'm so glad everything is almost over... Am even looking forward to the exams...
Work was so much better... Am getting the hang of grill... Whoopee... Am left with breakfast, grill and training...
Planning on an outing with eva and arie before they go back to indonesia...
Holding time for reconstituted onions in the chiller is 12hours...
Am in love with joe cheng the model/actor guy
Missing the past... the wonderful time spent with special people before the semester started...
My heart beats...