Omg, it’s been so long since I last blogged. Been busy with work and stuff, it that is any excuse. Quick update on goings-on with me: I went to Beijing and Shanghai for a work trip for about 10 days (about 2 weeks ago) to oversee filming of commercial/promotional/award (don’t know how to describe it exactly) for 4 clients. It was pretty fun, but tiring. It got a bit boring when I was on my own, mostly stayed in my hotel room cuz I didn’t know where to go, especially in Beijing. But I went out for a bit in Shanghai and bought a few things, although nothing out of the ordinary (extraordinary? Can’t remember the expression).
Oh and Audrey, I went to eat Quan Ju De Peking Roast Duck, like finally! Hahaha…
So that was the trip. Before that, went to watch this movie with Tracy called Orphan. Storyline was interesting (shan’t say too much cuz you can read the plot on Wikipedia), albeit a little gory. There’s a part where one of the female leads breaks her arm with a vice (you know those in the D&T workshops..) and you see the bone pop. Not my favourite thing to watch, and I’d warn you not to eat/drink anything while watching, especially if you have a weak stomach. The girl that plays Esther in the movie was great, for a American 12-year old to play a 30plus-year old woman acting as a kid (with a Russian accent) is really hard to pull off, but she did. Not for the faint-hearted, but I do recommend it, despite the bloody parts.
I got a new handphone and my Ipod Touch within the same week, which is awesome.
Oh and I’ve been so behind on the news lately. I just read/watched the ridiculous stuff on the Miss Singapore World, Ris Low. Credit card fraud notwithstanding, she is just plain bimbotic (or at least the impression I have of her from the Youtube clip I watched), can’t even speak clearly (there are so many girls out there that speak way better), and just doesn’t have the pageant X-factor. Even if we don’t stand a chance of getting to the top five of the international Miss World pageant, whoever we send is going to be representative of what this country stands for. Is she really worthy of the title? I don’t know who is second in line to represent Singapore, but she probably is a better choice to send to the international pageant (Although, the rest of the girls ain’t so great either. Where are the pretty/brainy girls in Singapore?!! I know we have ‘em!!)